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♥ Cooking School (a sort of): the last laugh

I was browsing a magazine such yestarday we I bumped into an article quite funny and amusing. It tells about this weird website: Fancy Fast Food. What is it?

On his website, designer and writer Erik Trinidad revamps fast-food and convenience meals to look like plates you’d see at a five-star restaurant, a really gourmet creation!
It takes the stuff you get from the drive-thru and turns it into haute cuisine, complete with step-by-step instructions and pictorial evidence. Delicious!

Fans of the site think the cheap but impressive-looking dishes are “timely in our economic downturn” or “a great resource for guys trying to impress girls without having to shell out for an expensive restaurant.”. On this website you can find lots of example of how presentation can change perception of quality and value.
It's definitaly the website that turns your Big Mac into a gourmet dinner.
The Trinidad's tagline: "Yeah, it's still bad for you - but see how good it can look!"
It hurts with my new year's resolution but it's a brilliant idea! It definitely isn't my cup of tea but it's worth to share with you, it's too genial!

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